Our six hitaishi participants recently concluded their “Hami Sakchau: Leaders in us” project dated on 19th Oct to 22nd Oct, a leadership building workshop focusing on aspects of mind, media and mental health, leadership, SHRH, legal rights and awareness and safe use of internet and digital tools in Madi Higher Secondary School, Madi, Chitwan.
The workshop wasn’t only limited within the four walls of classroom in Madi School but they went a hike to nearest Laxmi tower and had an insightful discussion on travel and sisterhood and this is what our “Hitaishi” project is all about, travelling and bonding and at the same time giving back to the community in some ways.
Now through “Hami Sakchau: Leaders in us” project we have 19 young spirits in our GET Nepal family who are the next generation of changemakers from Madi, Chitwan. They have recently form a girls club on their own to continue the legacy of the project and will be passing their knowledge to upcoming young leaders because we can and we have a leader in us.