Girls Empowered by Travel (GET)-Nepal is a non-profit organisation that aims to empower women, especially from underprivileged communities by providing opportunities for purpose-driven travel along with community based projects led by skillful youth for young girls and women that need our support . GET strives to promote leadership among women and youth that will develop their skills and share it to the other people for a ripple effect on community development. The NGO started as an initiative in 2016 to solve common issues of young girls to break the stereotypes loomed in a society and was formally registered in Nepal in 2017 to continue our motto of ‘Travel Can Make a Difference’.
Empowering, engaging and making an equal ground for people who identify themselves as girls/women through travel or various aspects of travel.
A space where we travel, learn, share and grow .
- To advocate on frequent and purposeful travel among youths (especially women and girls).
- To establish sustainable livelihood focusing women through local tourism and volunteering programs.
- To promote youths participation in achieving the SDGs.
Why Get
GET Nepal is the first organization in Nepal focused on empowering adolescent girls through different contexts of travel. GET works to create safe travelling opportunities for young girls while enhancing leadership skills through community service. Travel increases independence. It helps embracing opportunities that push the personal boundaries and make them confident and come out of the comfort zone. Travelling helps to enhance the leadership skills and increases individual growth.