On 23rd April, we organized Earth Day Hike Date with experts to celebrate Earth Day 2022 with the theme ‘invest in our planet’. We had Ms. Dipisha Bhujel from NIDISI, Mr. Ajit Bhatta from Samsara Creation, and Ms. Ashmita Rajbansi from Women Cycling Nepal as experts.
Our hike started from Godawari with a short briefing where the participants were divided into 3 groups along with our experts. We hiked for 1and half hours to reach our destination by inquiring with the experts about their experience in environmental conservation. A discussion was conducted on how can we contribute as an individual towards environmental conservation and sustainability. Various ideas and experiences were shared by our experts and participants on waste management as an individual. The hike ended by cleaning the trash on the destination site which was brought all the way down to Godawari and displaced properly.
GET Team would like to thank all our experts and participants for your generous efforts.
Recycle – Reuse – Reduce and Leave no trash behind!