GET recently concluded the Rural Hitaishi 2019 in Ishowrpur-4, Sarlahi, Nepal on the date Nov 25- Nov 27, 2021 in Ishowrpur-4, Sarlahi, Nepal. All five hitaishi participants were present in Ishworpur for the graduation ceremony. The three days visit was an amalgam of sessions for Adult Literacy Class students, Hitaishi Participants and GTC Sarlahi Participants which was formally completed through Graduation Ceremony. For the Graduation Ceremony, every student and Hitaishi Participants were provided with certificates for participation and involvement in the project in the presence of Mr, Tek Bahadur Rumba Lama, Ward Chair of Ishowrpur -4. In sum, our hitaishis successfully completed 3 different projects which was in return giving back to the community as leaders.
Our Projects
- Hitaishi Rural Urban
- Services Learning
- Sustainable Tourism