“Rural Hitaishi Leadership Bootcamp 2022” was successfully concluded on date May 21 – May 28, 2022, with a total number of 7 participants from Dang, Chitwan, and Bara. The camp was focused on self-reflection, exploration, getting out of my comfort zone, networking, personal development, and conceptualizing the project through human-centered design thinking. At the end of Bootcamp Team Dang pitched the “Project Pariwartan” which focuses on voicing against gender-based violence, Team Chitwan pitched the “Project Aawaj” which focuses on developing the leadership of adolescent girls and Team Bara pitched the “Project Hami Khelau” which focuses on developing inclusive playing environment in the school of Bara. The pitch will be further refined by research in their community. Stay tuned for the updates on the projects of Hitaishi participants.
