Marking International Women’s Day 2022, Girls Empowered by Travel Nepal, an NGO based in Nepal organised its annual fundraising event “Trave-Yeller-Redefining Travel”. Trave-Yeller is an attempt to bring forward life-changing travel stories in a storytelling platform. This year Trave-Yeller 2022, the storytelling aspect was combined with cycling to promote cycling culture in Nepal. This cycling and storytelling event welcomed 130 participants out of which the majority of them were women on a cycling journey to Bungamati Trails. 


GET Nepal was honored to have Her Excellency Ambassador Nona Deprez EU Delegation in Nepal participated in the cycling and Her excellency showed her support and appreciation towards the cause of the event. All the raised amount for the event would go on to a project called “Rural Hitaishi 2022” which is an intercultural rural-urban exchange where young women from rural villages of Nepal will engage in a year-long program of leadership building, travel and community engagement.


The Trave-Yeller speakers left an inspirational mark in the audience and personally connected with participants throughout the cycling event. Through Trave-Yeller GET Nepal envisioned bringing stories that redefined the meaning of travel and outdoor activities which is often taken as luxury and irrelevant so the stories and cycling as a whole truly helped establish a new perspective on travel especially for women as 80% of our event’s participants were girls and young women. A lot of participants were beginners in cycling yet they were exceptional in covering 25 km of difficult cycling route so the cyclists themselves truly helped break the bias around women in cycling and travel.